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Tag : tripod

Choosing the right tripod

tripodA tripod is a photographer friend. A tripod is not just an answer for clear sharper picture, but also serves to take photography in low light condition using lower shutter speed which otherwise generally tends for camera shake, it further improves good composition, greater depth of field, night photography and also allow to shoot without having to look through the viewfinder. In general a tripod can be used for all sorts of photography.
It’s a big task and decision making on what sort of tripod to purchase and to make it even more complicated there is so much of brands to choose with price ranging from few dollars to hundreds.
The most important and basic question is which tripod should you buy?
Well, the answer lies within you. It depends on the type of photography you do most of the time, the weight of the camera, lens and any accessories you fix on the camera (e.g. flash).
