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GulfRun 24Hr Karting Concludes

GPH_3501The third Wataniya GulfRun 24 hour Karting Endurance race which I had posted earlier concluded successful much to the delights of the team.The Gulf Cables Team were the first to cross the checkered line after an exhausting 26 hours followed by Team Scuderia in the second place and Team Agsher in the third place.

The race which saw 18 teams consisting of 188 drivers took part in practice sessions and a highly competitive 24 hour endurance race. The 18 teams comprise of 4 to 12 drivers per team who drive a maximum stint time of roughly 2 hours, after which they switch drivers, and keep going for 24 hours of non- stop racing.

The event took place at the at the recently opened SIRBB Circuit. The track looked quite pleasing, the watching gallery were occupied by families, friends, VIP’s and media personnel’s.

You can check their next activities [Here]

Pictures taken from the event.

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