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Yearly Archives: 2011


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper leo eget sapien ultrices vitae facilisis massa dictum. Fusce eu purus a urna accumsan luctus. Nullam sit amet nisi non ante ultrices egestas. Proin erat nulla, congue adipiscing accumsan id, sollicitudin eget dolor. Vestibulum ipsum urna, consequat vel cursus ut, scelerisque vel nisl. Suspendisse molestie facilisis dui, et rutrum enim fermentum id. Curabitur tincidunt tellus sed risus vulputate fringilla. Mauris luctus posuere odio, quis viverra purus consequat ac. Aliquam luctus posuere ultricies. Morbi sagittis elementum ligula, eget luctus diam facilisis sit amet. Maecenas fringilla cursus tortor, nec dictum purus volutpat et.

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This is a link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus blandit porta tellus non vulputate. Nam in nulla ut augue bibendum aliquet eget eu velit. Suspendisse non ligula sit amet felis volutpat hendrerit eu ac odio. Etiam elementum dui vel libero laoreet sagittis. Vestibulum ac elit orci, et cursus mauris. Nulla vehicula lorem odio. Mauris vel mauris justo, sed adipiscing neque. Nam ipsum dolor, congue ac vestibulum eget, luctus nec ipsum

Lowerpro Camera Bags

Lowerpro Photosport AW seriesLowerpro introduces the Photo Sport AW Series and Optic series backpacks to thier wide range of camera bags and accessories. The Photo Sport AW series are available in 2 model, the Photo Sport 200 AW and the Photo Sport sling 100 AW, these are targetted at outdooor adventurers who like to travel fast and light. These ultra-lightweight, dual-compartment backpack and sling pack designs offer ample space for personal gear and a camera kit with ultra-tear-strength coating to provide extra durability.  These are available in Black/Light Grey and Lowepro Orange/Light Grey. The Optic Series are targetted for bird and wildlife photographers. They are available in 4 models – Field Station, Scope Travel 200 AW, Scope Photo Travel 350 AW and the Scope Porter 200 AW. These backpack gives wildlife watchers a hands-free, protective and supportive way to carry a large spotting scope and tripod in the field, couple of models in this series are big enough to carry spotting scope, tripod, binoculars, DSLR, extra lens, laptop, field guide and personal items.

Ashraf & Co. is the main distributor of Lowerpro brands in kuwait.  I spoke to their Customer Service and was informed that the above models will be available soon.You can contact them on 1805151.

Choosing the right tripod

tripodA tripod is a photographer friend. A tripod is not just an answer for clear sharper picture, but also serves to take photography in low light condition using lower shutter speed which otherwise generally tends for camera shake, it further improves good composition, greater depth of field, night photography and also allow to shoot without having to look through the viewfinder. In general a tripod can be used for all sorts of photography.
It’s a big task and decision making on what sort of tripod to purchase and to make it even more complicated there is so much of brands to choose with price ranging from few dollars to hundreds.
The most important and basic question is which tripod should you buy?
Well, the answer lies within you. It depends on the type of photography you do most of the time, the weight of the camera, lens and any accessories you fix on the camera (e.g. flash).


Macro Photography

Macro Photography in general term is all about taking photos close to the subject. A real macro photography is working around 1:1 ratio and closer thereby giving an image that is equal in size or larger than the subject being photographed.

Rose-Macro Photo

Macro Photography is quite addictive. Well, you don’t need to worry about the harsh weather and off course the sandstorm which is been quite as a ritual here. We can choose any subject for macro. In Point & Shoot (PS) camera we have little control on aperture and shutter priority mode but most PS camera have a dedicated mode for macro or close-up photography. In DSLR camera we need to use the Aperture priority mode or still better if we use the Manual mode to achieve sharp focus. To get a shallow DOF (depth of field), it is very important to choose a large aperture (small f number) available. If the subject is moving or is in action, you may need to control the shutter speed to freeze the action. Also depending on the situation you may need to use the Flash. The most important criteria in DSLR camera is the choice of lenses.


Samsung ES30

The Samsung ES30  sold like hot cakes when X-Cite had a promotional offer for KD. 19.900 (exclusive of memory card). My office colleagues brought a few couple of these cameras using the X-Cite Express Delivery Service. Watching the bug around the office, I decided to make a small review of the camera.

Samsung ES30
The Samsung ES30 is a compact entry level digital camera.  I guess the popularity is because of the low price and with its weight (approx.140 gms).  It can easily slip into a shirt pocket.  The camera boosts a CCD sensor with 12.21 megapixels and 5x optical (35mm film equivalent: 27 – 135mm) wide angel zoom lens. The Minimum aperture wide is f3.5 and Minimum aperture telephoto is f5.9. The camera has a surprising 3 inch TFT LCD screen; the screen can be viewed clearly even on bright sunlight. The camera support includes built in Program AE selection, Smile and Blink detection for portrait photography, macro support up to 5cm away from the subject, JPEG file format, 640×480 pixel VGA movie resolutions @ 30 fps and ISO rating from Auto to 1600 for low light photography. It supports Video out, Mono Internal speaker and Microphone, USB 2.0 Hi-speed and SD/SDHC memory card. Memory card supports 4GB on SD and 8GB on SDHC.

Summer Deal offers at X-Cite (Alghanim Electronics)

On my way to work today I heard the summer deal offer by X-cite on high-end cameras. X-cite have been offering some really 1 day cool offers, they also have been quite active marketing their products. In fact,  I tend to leave early to office on Thursday’s, so as to hear “Mr. Anil Tom” of X-cite speak on FM 99.7 of their latest promotions.

Since my blog is dedicated to camera’s and the offer from X-cite being so tempting on  Nikon and Canon DSLR cameras. I couldn’t resist from posting. You can check about their offers here and if you are a Facebook fan, you can search for X-cite by Alghanim Electronics.

Nikon receives 2 TIPA Awards 2011

TOKYO-Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce that two of its products are recipients of the prestigious TIPA Awards 2011 for photographic and imaging products. The Nikon D7000 digital-SLR camera was selected for the Best D-SLR Advanced award and the COOLPIX P300 for the Best General Compact Camera award.

The best photographic and imaging products in a number of categories, announced between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011, were selected for the TIPA Awards 2011 through voting by editors from member camera and imaging magazines from nine European countries, Australia, Canada, China, the United States of America and South Africa.

Visit to Red Bull Drift Challenge 2011

My first visit to Red Bull Drift Challenge. The Event took place on Friday 22, 2011 at the Kuwait International Fair, Mishref. The sandstorm was bad, though I just braved being there for close to 2 hrs. I didn’t wait till the closure of the show and the winners announcement, since the storm just kept hitting on me and my camera gears and the light was turning bad.

The judging panel consisted of Lebanese Rally Champion and Middle East Hill Climb Champion Red Bull’s Driver Abdo Feghali, Middle East Rally Champion Mishaal Al Nejadi, and Kuwait Champion Salah bin Eidan.

Click here to see my Flickr photo

Red Bull Car Park Drift – 2011

Red Bull Car Drift

Kuwait hosts the local qualification for this event on April 22 and the winner will have the chance to compete in the final round taking place in Lebanon on Friday, July 22nd 2011.
This event is open for the public and Motorsport fans are invited to watch the Red Bull Car Park Drift event from the grandstands located at both sides of the track.  Hope the weather stays good and dustfree. You can check on their website for more info.

Location: Kuwait International Fair, Ground 5

Time:  15:00 – 18:30