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Photographer arrested

Police arrested a Photographer for taking photos of the Indian Embassy in Kuwait. The photographer sensed police presence and tried to escape the place, however police chased him and arrested. Police seized a camera containing photos of the embassy in different angles. The photographer has been referred to state security.

Kuwait bans taking photography of any sensitive areas in the country and photography is prohibited in all embassy premises in the country.

Source: IIK (

Please Note: In Kuwait photography is not officially forbidden, Security officials are sensitive about photographs taken of government buildings, military installations, and other public facilities including few malls and hypermarket. In general these place will caution with boards mentioning “Photography not allowed/Prohibited”. Photography of these subjects may result in seizure of photographic equipment by security authorities. Please note most Kuwaiti’s object to having their picture taken, you should ask permission before taking photographs. Always respect the law of the land.

The only issue here in Kuwait is most of the times Photographers are treated as criminals, No Official Photography Club where Individuals/Group (at least for expats) can register, Non-Issuance of Photographer ID (even with discretion)

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