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Photolenders… Photo Gears on Rent

While browsing through Chuknum blog over the weekend, I read on this new website called “Photo Lenders“.  As this site is launched by a talented Kuwaiti photographer Khalid Al-Abdulghafoor, I’m sure as a photographer he would understand the photography need of such a site here in Kuwait. I really feel this would do wonders to lot many amateur photographers like me and also serve the professionals since photography gears are quite expensive and you definitely would love to try a particular glass (lens) before buying.  There are times when you may need a particular glass just to serve a temporary purpose (a friends wedding over the weekend, or if you love to take a macro shot).

Renting out camera and photo gears is a common concept atleast in India, US and Canada. Having spent some time on Photo Lenders,  I realised they have plenty of Canon lenses. The choice on Nikon lenses are few, but then they have the popular Nikon 24-70 mm f/2.8 ED; Nikon 105 mm f/2D and more. The Nikon Telephoto lens 70-200 mm f/2.8 ED VR II is coming soon and I definitely would love to try before I think of buying the beast.  I have no clue if they rent camera since nothing is mentioned on the site, but they have other accessories which you want to check.

I would definitely recommend to browse and find your interesting gears and accessories. You can also connect them on Facebook and find out their latest news.

My best wishes to Mr. Khalid for the website and his creative idea.

4 thoughts on Photolenders… Photo Gears on Rent

  1. Very True. Thanks for liking the blog. The last time we met was when you won the Photography Contest held by IIK. Hope we can meet up someday over the weekend and go photo shooting.

  2. Sure! no problem. We're trying to arrange a group of Indian photographers so that we can go on photo shoots together. Similar to the Pindot group for Filipino photographers. Will keep you updated on it. 🙂

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