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Goan 1st Lady Photographer Palmira Coutinho passes away

palmira_coutinhoMs Palmira Coutinho, Goa’s first professional lady photographer passed away at the age of 89 due to ill health. She was recipient of the Goa State Cultural Award in Photography.  She had the proudest moment when she appeared on the cover of the internationally acclaimed British Photographer, David Bailey’s book “Locations: The 1970s Archive”.

An interesting spotlight of her exciting career was when she went clicking during the 1974 Exposition of St. Francis Xavier in Goa, which she photographed. It was then she was spotted by renowned British Photographer David Bailey. Consequently, he visited the Hollywood Studio and shot her picture, perhaps just for curiosity sake, as he had met the only professional woman photographer in Goa, who after her husband untimely death in an accident single-handedly raised her seven children while simultaneously photographing and managing the studio. Years later, he remembered Palmira and traced her through the internet after BBC had done a documentary on him, and decided to interview her for a special series. Palmira was in for surprise, when she received an autographed book brought out by Bailey, containing photographs taken at her studio, with her picture on the book’s cover.

In her career, Palmira has photographed Mother Teresa, former Portuguese President Mario Soares, Pope John Paul II and former President of India Zail Singh, amongst other personalities.

May her soul rest in peace.

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