Images and post are copyright to ShutterXpose Photography

Expression of Love Photo Contest Winners & Participants Feliciated

The winners and participants of the recently concluded “Expression of Love” photo contest organized by ShutterXpose were felicitated and the winners awarded with their prizes. The function was private and held over the weekend at Salmiya Play School. A brief introduction of ShutterXpose activities and their future work plans were discussed. The attendees were briefed on the judges of the contest and the evaluation process. Images of the Top contenders of the contest were discussed, most of the participants expressed their happiness on conducting such contest including the professionalism and transparency. Participants were felicitated with certificates.

ShutterXpose once again takes the opportunity to congratulate the winners and all the participants for their active participation and making our 1st photography competition a great success. The continuous support from the Judges, Coordinators (Prashanth, Rakshak, Rilson, Yogee & Unni Krishnan) and the readers helped us with brighter ideas and high spirits (no pun intended). Participants who couldn’t attend the function are requested to email us with their mobile numbers ASAP, so as the certificates could be delivered.

Pictures of the event: (by Prashanth Shetty)

One thought on Expression of Love Photo Contest Winners & Participants Feliciated

  1. wow what a great moment …….. winners and supporters ……. very good time we had with all of you, thanks for every one

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