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500px Global Photo Walk 2016, Salmiya-Kuwait

Join us for thebanner_blogshutterxpose_500px-photowalk 4th Annual 500px Red Bull Photography Global Photo Walk 2016 Meet fellow photographers in your community who share your passion, share along tips & tricks,make new friends, and of course – capture some inspiring images. The theme of this year’s walk is “Action and Adventure.”

We have included actions to capture a basketball game,Jet-Ski roaring the Arabian sea, bicycle riders capturing our spirits, along with goodies from our event partners. No need to be a pro to attend! Grab whatever camera you have (DSLR, mobile phone, point-and-shoot) and join in the fun!

For Enquires contact +965 99584378

Tamron has always been our major support player and is our official Event partner during this event. Redbull Kuwait has been kind to relinquish our thirst and add energy to all participants during the photowalk. All participants would receive goodies on a first come first basis from our event partners and ShutterXpose.

This year’s hashtags to use #PhotoWalkThisWay #Shutterxposewalk #weekenderswalk

Venue: Salmiya (Marina Basketball court)
Date: 17th September, 2016
Photowalk: From Basketball court to Kuwait Scientific Centre
Time: 4:00pm – 6:30pm

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